ISNA Education Forum 2009
I have been reading papers presented at the ISNA Education Forum 2009 that have been posted online.
One of the papers presented some suggestions for Islamic schools to implement a behavior management program based on Islamic good manners. Here are the main points.
Implementing an Adab and Akhlaq Based Behavior Management Program.
By Sabura Rashad.
Adab and Akhlaq Behavior Management Program - Standards to promote:
1. Nurturing the confidence of children
2. Developing a positive learning environment
3. Teaching self control
4. Developing a sense of concern and empathy for others
5. Establishing and maintaining clear limits
6. Teaching and focusing on responsibility
7. Teaching and modeling positive conflict resolution
8. Cooperation and meaningful connections
Recommended Classroom Rules
Pre-K to 1
1. Eager Ears (listen to the teacher and follow directions)
2. Happy Hands(keep hands, feet and object to yourself)
3. Soft Sounds (use nice words and indoor voices)
4. Friendly Faces (pay attention to the teacher and be nice to others.)
2nd - 5th grades
1. Follow directions
2. Hands, feet and objects to yourself
3. Raise your hand before speaking
4. Use kind words and language
5. Use indoor voice
Middle-High School
1. Follow directions
2. Eat at appropriate times in appropriate places
3. Get permission before leaving class
4. Hands, feet and objects to yourself
5. Raise hand before speaking
6. Get permission before leaving your seat
7. Use kind words and language
8. Use indoor voice
9. Be prepared to learn
10. Be in class on time
Recommended Tracking Systems
Pre-K to 1st
(Color Cards) **Pocket Chart
Green - positive praise
Yellow - verbal warning
Orange - time out and note home
Red - Teacher conference or call home
2nd - 5th grades
(Color Cards) **Pocket Chart
Green - positive praise
Yellow - verbal warning
Orange - note home and written assignment
Red - Teacher conference or call home
Middle-High School
(Strikes System) **Clipboard
Strike 1: Warning
Strike 2: 2 min after class for teacher-student conference
Strike 3: Written assignment and note home
Strike 4: Teacher conference or call home
One of the papers presented some suggestions for Islamic schools to implement a behavior management program based on Islamic good manners. Here are the main points.
Implementing an Adab and Akhlaq Based Behavior Management Program.
By Sabura Rashad.
Adab and Akhlaq Behavior Management Program - Standards to promote:
1. Nurturing the confidence of children
2. Developing a positive learning environment
3. Teaching self control
4. Developing a sense of concern and empathy for others
5. Establishing and maintaining clear limits
6. Teaching and focusing on responsibility
7. Teaching and modeling positive conflict resolution
8. Cooperation and meaningful connections
Recommended Classroom Rules
Pre-K to 1
1. Eager Ears (listen to the teacher and follow directions)
2. Happy Hands(keep hands, feet and object to yourself)
3. Soft Sounds (use nice words and indoor voices)
4. Friendly Faces (pay attention to the teacher and be nice to others.)
2nd - 5th grades
1. Follow directions
2. Hands, feet and objects to yourself
3. Raise your hand before speaking
4. Use kind words and language
5. Use indoor voice
Middle-High School
1. Follow directions
2. Eat at appropriate times in appropriate places
3. Get permission before leaving class
4. Hands, feet and objects to yourself
5. Raise hand before speaking
6. Get permission before leaving your seat
7. Use kind words and language
8. Use indoor voice
9. Be prepared to learn
10. Be in class on time
Recommended Tracking Systems
Pre-K to 1st
(Color Cards) **Pocket Chart
Green - positive praise
Yellow - verbal warning
Orange - time out and note home
Red - Teacher conference or call home
2nd - 5th grades
(Color Cards) **Pocket Chart
Green - positive praise
Yellow - verbal warning
Orange - note home and written assignment
Red - Teacher conference or call home
Middle-High School
(Strikes System) **Clipboard
Strike 1: Warning
Strike 2: 2 min after class for teacher-student conference
Strike 3: Written assignment and note home
Strike 4: Teacher conference or call home