Life's like that!

June 11, 2013

Old Friends, New Friends

Last night, husband saw a raccoon attacking our two Brown Leghorn hens and a Rhode Island Red hen in the chicken coop. We have no idea how the little rascal got into the chicken coop. Unfortunately, one of the Brown Leghorn hens was dying due to a vicious bite wound, so my brave husband decided to put it out of its misery.

The White Leghorn Chicken that we had since about a year and half ago disappeared sometime two months ago. Husband and I suspect that a raccoon got hold of it too.

This is what is left of our existing backyard residents...

Bottom: Rhode Island

Here are the newcomers!

Rhode Island Chick (about 1-2 weeks old)

Top: Buff Orpington Chicks
Bottom: Barred Rock Chicks
(about 1-2 weeks old)

I hope that husband will strengthen the chicken coop enclosure so that we can safeguard our ladies from the hungry predators.
