Life's like that!

April 18, 2010

Push, Hen, Push

For two days, our biggest hen did not lay an egg. Usually she would be the first to proclaim her egg-laying achievement, then I started to get worried when I did not 'hear' from her for two days. She was still eating, drinking and scratching as normal, so I thought maybe she is taking a break from laying eggs.

Yesterday evening I checked on the ladies because it has been raining almost the whole day, and I found a damaged egg in the chicken coop. I tilted the damaged egg in the picture below to show the squashed part.

Bottom right: Squashed egg from our biggest hen.

I think the hen was trying to push out the egg for a while, and could have been trying to do so for a day or two. All praise be to Allah SWT I am happy that she is back to her normal self now.
