Life's like that!

May 19, 2010

Lovely Baby Gifts from Ex-Collegues

This afternoon Sr. Sarah and Sr. Henna, my ex-colleagues from the school where I worked, came to visit DD2 and me.

All praise be to Allah SWT I am really happy to see them. It was so nice of them to bring a cake and lovely gifts for DD2. During our conversation, I told them that I would really prefer to have children when I was in my 20s, but Allah SWT has other plans for me and I only get to have kids in my 30s. Both of them were surprised that I am not in my late twenties (seriously, I am not) and expressed their disbelief. I told them that my mother prepared Chinese herbs for me regularly when I was growing up, and the confinement diet helped to restore my health quickly after giving birth. I think they were impressed by the wonders of Chinese medicine.

They stayed for about an hour before they had to leave. Allah SWT willing I plan to visit Sr. Henna and her 7 month old daughter soon.

Sr. Anita came by later to bring gifts for DD2 from Sr. Mazida, a teacher from the school. These dresses look so cute! Can't wait to dress DD2 in them.
