Life's like that!

February 17, 2009

Character Education: Self-Control

All praise be to Allah SWT last Saturday I discussed about how we can control our own thoughts and actions with the kids at the Dar Al Huda Masjid weekend school. I was glad to see about 20 students who turned in their homework 'My Kindness Diary'. Needless to say they were most happy to collect their prizes (a balloon, marble or an eraser) for turning in homework.

For the upper grades girls, we discussed about Valentines Day celebration. I explained to them that Islam encourages expressions of love between parents and children, husband and wife, brothers and sisters, neighbors and community members on a daily basis. Celebration of love between unmarried couples is prohibited in part to prevent pre-marital sex and pregnancies, which could lead to single parents bringing up children without role models and sufficient provision of living expenses. It was interesting to hear about their perception of how common it is now to see teenager girls getting pregnant while in school.

With the elementary school kids, I read the book 'Think before you act: learning about self-discipline and self-control' by Regina G. Burch (ISBN: 978-1-57471-833-1). Then I asked them to think about how they would act when they were angry and when they couldn't do what they want. I also asked them to think about how they can make themselves good if they were to be asked to do bad things e.g. hit someone, run and shout in the library etc.

For homework, students are to think about how they were able to stop themselves from doing something not appropriate and do the right thing instead e.g. stop themselves from hitting someone in retaliation, throwing litter etc. Allah SWT willing I hope that they will think about how to better control themselves in challenging situations.
