Life's like that!

May 01, 2009

Poem: What the wind brings


Comes the north wind, snowflakes bringing:

Robes the fields in purest white,

Paints grand houses, trees, and mountains

On our window-panes at night.

Hills and vales the east wind visits,

Brings them chilly, driving rain;

Shivering cattle homeward hurry,

Onward through the darkening lane.

Heat the south wind kindly gives us;

Reddens apples, gilds the pear,

Gives the grape a richer purple,

Scatters plenty everywhere.

Flowers sweet the west wind offers,

Peeping forth from vines and trees;

Brings the butterflies so brilliant,

And the busy, humming bees.

Each wind brings his own best treasure

To our land from year to year;

Blessings many without measure

E'er attend the winds' career.

Lillian Cox.

"Whichever way the wind doth blow.

Some heart is glad to have it so;

And blow it east or blow it west,

The wind that blows, that wind is best."
