Life's like that!

July 15, 2009

Character Education

Read this from here.

October: Responsibility

Involves diligence, excellence, good decision-making, initiative, and courtesy

*Answer all written questions with a complete sentence.

*Complete your homework every day.

*Be as organized as possible.

*Don’t turn in any work that is less than your best.

*Be the best person you can be.

*Problem solve for yourself instead of depending on others.

*Take initiative instead of waiting to be told to do something.

*Learn from correction.

*If someone drops something and you are close to it, pick it up.

*Hold the door for the person behind you.

*Say, ‘excuse me’ after sneezing, coughing, or other bodily functions.

*Keep yourself and the bathroom clean and germ-free.

*Follow along when we read together in class.

*Look at the person talking during class discussions.

*Refrain from sidebars.

November: Citizenship

Involves obedience, charity, patriotism, and environmental concern

*Do things the right way the first time you are asked.

*Do not ask for rewards: do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do.

*Be quick, quiet, and orderly during transition times.

*When walking in line, stay to the right, keep your arms at your sides, and move quietly.

*Never cut or save spots in line.

*If you see friends in the hallway, wave to them but do not call out.

*Follow other teachers’ rules when they are in charge.

*Help people who are less fortunate in every way you can.

*Stand up for what you believe.

*Show respect for American symbols & during the Pledge of Allegiance.

*Be responsible for your trash.

*Do not be wasteful.

December: Kindness

Involves caring, random acts of kindness, generosity, forgiveness, & compassion

*Never say, “I don’t care” when someone tells you how they feel.

*Be kind towards others without expecting them to treat you the same way.

*Surprise others by performing random acts of kindness.

*Share with others whenever you have more than enough.

*If someone bumps you, say 'excuse me' even if it wasn’t your fault.

*Do not hold a grudge: you’re only hurting yourself.

*Try to understand WHY people act the way they do.

January: Respect

Involves patience, politeness, and showing concern for all creatures

*Do not show impatience when someone takes a long time to answer or understand something.

*Never say, “That’s easy!” when it’s hard for someone else.

*Learn to entertain yourself without being disruptive when waiting.

*Respond to an adult when spoken to.

*In America, it's important to make eye contact when spoken to.

*If you are asked a question in conversation, ask a question in return.

*Never interrupt an adult when you are being corrected: wait and then politely ask to explain yourself.

*If an adult does not let you explain yourself, let Ms. Powell know.

*Do not show disrespect with gestures or noises.

*Keep your grades private & do not ask about other people’s grades.

*Do not tease or harm any living creature for “fun”.

February: Honesty

Involves trustworthiness, reliability, integrity, and self-awareness

*Always be honest, no matter what the circumstances.

*Keep your promises.

*When you make a mistake, admit it, make things right, & let it go.

*Do the right thing, even when no one is looking.

*Don’t start, repeat, or even listen to gossip.

*If you wouldn’t say it to a person’s face, don’t say it to anyone.

*Before speaking, think, “Is it true? Kind? Necessary?”

*It’s okay to say you don’t know something.

March: Self-control

Involves humility, perseverance/ courage, and contentment

*If you win, do not brag; if you lose, do not show anger.

*Congratulate classmates when they are successful.

*Never laugh at or tease someone when they make a mistake.

*Do not stare or laugh at a student who is being corrected.

*Do not make a big deal out of bodily functions.

*Learn from your mistakes and move on.

*When work is assigned, do not moan or complain.

*Be patient with yourself and don’t give up easily.

*Be satisfied with what you have.

*Always find the positive in life; complaining makes everyone miserable.

April: Tolerance

Involves acceptance of diversity, equality, peace, and appropriate conflict resolution

*Laugh with people, not at them.

*Respect other students’ comments, opinions, and ideas.

*If people near you are too noisy, politely ask them to lower their voices.

*If someone asks you to lower your voice, say "no problem" & do so.

*It’s okay not to like someone; it’s not okay to be rude to them.

*Tell, don’t tattle. (Telling= trying to help someone, tattling= trying to get them in trouble).

*Accept that life isn’t fair and people sometimes do mean things.

*If anyone is bullying you, let Ms. Powell know.

*Don’t expect yourself or other people to be perfect.

*Don’t sweat the small stuff.

*When you feel like overreacting, take deep breaths and relax.

May: Cooperation

Involves friendliness, fairness, loyalty, and gratitude

*Greet visitors and make them feel welcome.

*When meeting new people, shake hands and repeat their names.

*Stay out of cliques.

*If someone you play with is continually rude and mean, choose other friends.

*Cheerfully work with any partner you are assigned so you do not hurt their feelings.

*When offered something, take only your fair share.

*Stand up for people you care about.

*Always say thank you when given something.

*When you receive something, do not insult the gift or the giver.
