Life's like that!

April 06, 2010

Edamame and Summer Squash

This morning I moved two rectangular pots from the front yard to the porch. Since Moss Rose and Delphinium seeds are not sprouting, I figured that I might as well use the pots to grow vegetables. Moving the pots closer to the front entrance also helps to remind me to water the plants daily.

I sowed edamame seeds in one of the pots and sowed summer squash seeds in the other. All praise be to Allah SWT last year I was successful in growing edamame in a container, so hopefully will get a good harvest this year. This is the first time I am growing summer squash in a container, so will see how it goes.

It is really windy today with wind gust up to 45 miles per hour, so I will have to make sure that all outdoor plants are getting sufficient water.
