Life's like that!

June 03, 2010

Easy Breezy Nursing

All praise be to Allah SWT, I am much more comfortable this time breastfeeding DD2. It has been a wonderful experience, minus the endless crying and stressful attempts to get the baby to latch on. I didn't expect it to be so easy this time, since DD2 was bottle-fed for the first 3 weeks since she was born. I am still amazed that she could latch on easily after that.

Last weekend when we visited the Lavender Ridge Farm and the Blueberry Hill Farms, it was a breeze to nurse DD2. No hot water bottle, milk bottle and milk powder to carry where ever we went. I have to thank my dear sister for her constant encouragement for me to breastfeed DD2. Knowing that she did it successfully for my niece really motivated me to continue trying to nurse DD2 despite my first few failed attempts.

Now if only the baby can sleep through the night so that I can have my beauty sleep back...
