Life's like that!

May 29, 2010

The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer

Last weekend I rented two movies, Twilight and New Moon, and watched them with husband. I always enjoy watching vampire movies since young, and I have heard good reviews about these. While husband found them to be quite boring, I was drawn to the storyline about a human (Bella Swan) who falls in love with a vampire (Edwards Cullen). Her best friend and romantic pursuer was a werewolf (Jacab Black) and that caused tension between the vampire and the werewolf since they have been enemies since a century ago.

After watching the movies, I borrowed the books from the public library and finished reading them in two days (while nursing DD2 and taking care of DD1).

Yesterday I picked up the other two books, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, that I requested to be placed on hold at the public library. I am already half way through Eclipse this morning and since I cannot stand not knowing the ending, I cheated and read the last few chapters of Breaking Dawn. (I am not going to tell who Bella finally chose as her soul mate.)

I have to say that I quite enjoying reading the Twilight Saga. The last book title that I read from book one to the last sequel was the Harry Potter series. During pregnancy I was reading cooking, parenting and children's books. I think now I am ready to go back to reading fiction books whenever I come across the ones with good reviews.
