Life's like that!

July 29, 2010

You're Hired!

All praise be to Allah SWT I am hired as the 4th grade teacher's aide at the Islamic school.

I am thankful for this fabulous opportunity to hang out with cool teachers and wonderful kids (and get paid), but I am torn by the thought that I will be away from the kids.

DD1 loves to play board games like Chutes & Ladders and Candyland. She also likes to put together simple jigsaw puzzles with me. She also loves to sit close to me while I read some of her favorite books e.g. The Hungry Thing Goes to a Restaurant, Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes and Chrysanthemum etc.

DD2 is smiling more often now, especially after getting a new clean diaper and feeding. She has been looking at her hands since last week, trying to figure out how to use her cute little fingers.

It's a good thing that I'll be working from 7:30am to 3:30pm, Monday to Friday, so that I can be home early to spend time with the girls. On the weekends I plan to bring DD1 to the public library so that she and I can spend time together on our own. Allah SWT willing I hope to balance work and home commitments during this coming school year.
