Life's like that!

August 12, 2010

Preschool Behavior Chart

I am starting a preschool behavior chart system for DD1 and her babysitter's fourth son who is the same age as DD1.

Everyday when I pick up DD1, I'll ask her babysitter if the kids are getting a happy face, a straight face, or a sad face on their behavior log. The assessment will be based on how helpful they were and whether they followed directions. If they get five happy faces on their chart for that week, they receive a surprise goodies bag from me.

All praise be to Allah SWT the two kids are trying their best to earn a happy face at the end of each day. DD1 told me she has been reminding her babysitter's son to follow directions. Her babysitter told me that DD1 has been putting her best effort to earn a happy face. Allah SWT willing I hope that DD1 will continue to keep up the good work.
