It has been quite hot since last Monday with temperatures between 102 and 105 degree F. Since I started working, I try to remember to check whether the quails, chickens and Niko have sufficient food and water.
Niko chilling out under the big tree in the backyard.
Bell pepper harvest on August 6, 2010
One of the ladies laying an egg on top of the compost.
Bell pepper plants
The five Better Boy and Better Bush Tomato plants that were planted in May almost took over the entire left side of the garden bed. I pruned the branches last week so that the garden looks more tidy. Since tomato plants will not set fruit when temperature stays above 90 degree F (as heard on the radio from NPR Morning Edition), we'll have to wait till late October or early November to get any tomatoes, Allah SWT willing.
I have been harvesting at least one Okra per day from the container garden on the front porch. The Okra plants are just loving the heat and I just love to see the beautiful yellow Okra flower.
Labels: chicken farm, gardening, rabbit