Life's like that!

October 23, 2008

Learning to Better Understand Middle Schoolers

Yesterday I had a really eye-opening experience with the middle schoolers. I detained several boys during their PE lesson to find out why they did not follow directions. I started the conversation by telling them that the reason I want to talk to them is because I care about them, and I truly do. Here are what I heard from them plus my own observations.

- old students assumes that new students get special treatment
- students assume that those who don't get along well with them gossip about them
- some of the boys assumes that girls always get the special treatment
- students want to impress their friends by acting out in class in order to fit in (new and old students)
- students felt they were singled out for unfair reason / persisted in questioning me: "what did I do?" (students are unable to self-reflect on their action)
- students keep provoking those who are quick to react and possess hot temper
- students did not have enough time to hang out with friends outside school (due to extra study time set by parents), so school is seen as more of a social place that for learning

I don't know how often their parents talked about their expectations for their children's behavior in school, but I think not many parents will find the time or better educate themselves to do so. It is sad that this happens, and there is really not much any teachers can do about it.

I'm reading a book "Fires in the Middle School Bathrooms: advice for teachers from middle schoolers" in order to better understand them. Allah SWT willing I hope that I can find better strategies next time I teach them.