Life's like that!

May 19, 2009

Poem: Spring

Received from a Muslim homeschooling mailing list.

SPRING by Lillian Cox

Drops of rain and bits of sunshine

Falling here and gleaming there,

Tiny blades of grass appearing.

Tell of springtime bright and fair.

Budding leaves are gently swaying,

Merry glad notes sweetly ring;

Robins, bluebirds, gayly singing,

Tell of happy, pleasant spring.

Violets, in blue and purple,

By the twinkling water clear;

Fair spring beauties, frail and dainty,

Tell the story, spring is here.

Cherry, peach, and apple blossoms

Scattering fragrance far and wide;

Buttercups and pure white snowdrops

Tell of gracious, sweet springtide.
