Life's like that!

March 08, 2010

Monthly Seed Sowing Guide

Here is a useful article from this web site on when to sow vegetable seeds on a monthly basis.

Sowing Seasons.

It is best to do your sowing little and often. Sowing needs to be done every couple of weeks for most seeds, but there are some seeds that take longer to germinate and grow so their sowing times need to be longer between each sowing batch. Sowing regularly is the only way to achieve the continuous supply of flowers or vegetables throughout the growing season.

January Sowing;

Sow early radishes and lettuces in a cold frame.

Buy and " chit" seed potatoes.

Net currant bushes to prevent birds eating new buds.

Order seeds for spring sowing.

February Sowing;

Early beetroot, broad beans, spinach, summer cabbage, calabrese, globe artichoke, and lettuce in trays indoors.

Early beetroot, carrots, lettuces, spring unions, salad leaves and spinach out side under cloches, in warmer areas.

Onions, shallots and garlic, out side as soon as the soil is workable, or next month.

Rhubarb under forcing pots.

Tubers of Jerusalem artichokes from now until April.

March Sowing;

Transplant February sowing into individual pots, keep under cover.

Sow leeks and celery, in trays, transplant into pots when ready.

Peas and beans into pots.

Early beetroot, carrots, lettuces, spring unions, radishes, leaf beet, and salad leaves seeds directly out side.

Plant early potatoes when ground is dry enough.

April Sowing;

Kale, broad bean, kohlrabi, leeks and parsnips directly into ground.

Beans, courgettes, squashes, pumpkins and sweet corn under glass, plant outside end of May.

Repeat sowing of salad leaves, rocket, parsley, coriander, carrots and spring onions.

Plant one year old Asparagus.

May Sowing;

Sow Brussels sprouts, broccoli, winter cabbage and kale in seedbeds.

Repeat sowing of peas, salad leaves, rocket, parsley, beetroot, coriander, carrots, kohlrabi and spring onions.

Harden off celery plants, plant out at end of month.

Plant out beans, squash, courgettes, sweet corn and pumpkins, towards end of month.

Thin any seedlings.

June Sowing;

Continue to sow French and runner beans, peas, beetroot, carrots, kohlrabi, spinach, lettuces, and all salads.

Plant out seedlings of leeks, cabbages, celeriac, courgettes, squashes, pumpkins, calabrese, broccoli and outdoor tomatoes.

July Sowing;

Sow kale, spinach, Chinese greens, cabbages, radishes and winter lettuces, directly outside.

Continue sowing all salad crops.

August Sowing;

Sow cabbages, perpetual spinach, radicchio, winter lettuces and spring onions in seed beds or pots. Sow parsley for winter cropping.

Prepare strawberry beds and plant out runners.

September Sowing;

Sow Swiss chard, perpetual spinach and mixed winter salad leaves out side.

Sow lamb's lettuce under cover, for winter use.

Order fruit bushes for winter sowing.

October Sowing;

Sow garlic, onion sets, broad beans and peas directly outside to over winter.

Plant out seedling spring cabbage and greens until the middle of the month.

Lift main crop potatoes.

Sow green manure if ground is to be left till spring.

November Sowing;

Peas and broad beans can still be sown.

Fruit bushes and rhubarb can be planted if the ground is good.

Lift mint roots and divide, pot up, and put under cover for winter use.

December Sowing;

Onion sets can still be planted out.

Protect bay, rosemary, and marjoram in cloches or with fleece.
