Life's like that!

July 20, 2010

Article: Highly Qualified for Successful Teaching: Characteristics Every Teacher Should Possess (PDF)

Here are the main points from the article. I think these characteristics are also essential for successful parenting.

Fairness - Whenever we are dealt with by someone in a manner that violates what we think constitutes fairness in the situation, we react negatively. Any semblance of favoritism, or lack or fairness, can leave scars that last a lifetime.

Positive attitude - Effective teachers are those who use "meaningful verbal praise to get and keep students actively participating in the learning process'. Effective teachers are generally positive minded individuals who believe in the success of their students as well as their ability to help students achieve.

Preparedness - Nothing frustrates a student more than to come to class and be assaulted by a teacher who has no idea what he or she is doing. In a classroom where students were well prepared, behavior problems were less prevalent. The well-prepared teacher is more likely to be able to take time during lessons to notice and attend to behavioral matters, and is less like to miss the beginnings of potentially disruptive activity.

Personal touch - Teachers who convey a personal touch with their students call their students by name, smile often, ask about students' feelings and opinions, and accept students for who they are. Teachers who bring their lives and stories into the classroom build trust with their students. Teachers who tell stories of events in their own lives which relate to subject matter currently being taught, captivate students interest and promote bonding with the students. Teachers who show interest in their students have interested students.

Sense of humor - If a teacher has a quick wit and the ability to break the ice in difficult situations with the use of humor, this is an extremely valuable asset.

Creativity - Students remembered unusual things that their teachers did in their teaching and the creative ways that they decorated the classroom or motivated the students.

Willingness to admit mistakes - Teachers who recognize their mistakes and apologize for them when they affect the students provide an excellent model to give students, and a great way to be remembered as a favorite teacher.

Forgiving - A willingness to forgive students for misbehavior and a habit of starting each day with a clean slate.

Respect - Favorite teachers were remembered for keeping grades on papers confidential, for speaking to students privately after misbehavior or when the teacher needed some clarification, in contrast to public rebuke. Favorite teachers were remembered for showing sensitivity for feelings and for consistently avoiding situations that would unnecessary embarrass students.

High expectations - Teachers' expectation levels affect the ways in which teachers teach and interact with students. In turn, these behaviors affect student learning. Generally, students either rise to their teachers' expectations or do not perform well when expectations are low or non-existent.

Compassion - A caring teacher can have a tremendous impact on the frequency of insensitive, uncaring, or deliberately malicious behavior in the classroom.

Sense of belongings - Teachers develop a sense of family in their classrooms. Classroom pets, random act of kindness awards, class picture album, and class cooperative goals were employed to build a sense of unity and companionship. In addition, emphasis was placed on maintaining an emotionally safe classroom. Good teachers also took strong measures to prevent mean and hurtful behavior like teasing and bullying. Effective teachers know well that when children feel emotionally, as well as, physically safe, they learn far better.


Personality Traits for English as Second Language (ESL) Teachers.

There are certain personality traits, such as being friendly and patient, that are required of all teachers. Other traits, such as being open-minded, are important for ESL teachers in general. Teaching may come more naturally to people who have many of the traits in the following list. Personality, however, is not something that remains static throughout a career. If you are willing to let them, your students will bring out the personality traits you need to become a better teacher. Here are some qualities that students look for in ESL teachers:

  • bilingual (or studying a second language)
  • confident
  • consistent
  • creative
  • detail oriented
  • flexible
  • friendly
  • funny
  • good listener
  • independent
  • logical
  • motivated
  • motivating
  • objective
  • organized
  • outgoing
  • patient
  • resourceful
  • respectful
  • sensitive
  • sympathetic
  • strong speaker
  • well-rounded
Visit for more information.
