Life's like that!

July 19, 2010

July 18th: National Ice Cream Day

Yesterday was National Ice Cream Day. DD1 loves chocolate ice cream while husband prefers vanilla. My favorite ice cream flavors are Mint Chocolate Chip and Breyer's Chocolate Crackle with Vanilla. Yum!

According to,

'In 1984, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed July as National Ice Cream Month. He also established National Ice Cream Day as the third Sunday in the month. '

What does your preferred ice cream flavor reveals about you? Visit this web site and find out for yourself.

Mint Chocolate Chip

As a Mint Chocolate Chip lover, you tend to be ambitious and confident… yet a little skeptical about life. You are a realist who prepares for the future, needing a solid plan to feel secure. While your stubbornness is a business asset, it can add a challenging element to your relationships. Nonetheless, your loyalty, honesty and dependability create lasting friendships and close family ties.

Romantic Compatibility: You are most compatible with other Mint Chocolate Chip lovers.

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