Life's like that!

August 22, 2010

Easy Breezy Job!

I love my job as a Teacher's Aide!

All praise be to Allah SWT everyday I get to help students learn. I also have the chance to learn classroom management skills from a master teacher. And I'm able to chat with other teachers during my free periods.

This job is really easy breezy compared to the responsibilities of a librarian. No budget to plan for, no fund-raising to run, no collection management to take care, and no overdue reminders to send out. Yes, I do miss the sense of accomplishment that came with that job, but right now I am happy that I can leave work and focus on my kids when I'm home.

I think that with young children, it is better that I take up a job with less responsibilities. That way, I can have free time to plan activities for DD1 at home. Now I am teaching her simple addition and I have the time to read to her everyday. All praise be to Allah SWT when we are open-minded about the choices that we can make, we are often surprised by the positive outcome.
