Life's like that!

August 12, 2010

Chinese Idiom: 孟母三遷

Chinese Idiom:

One of the most famous traditional Chinese four-character idioms is (pinyin:mèng mǔ sān qiān; Zhuyin/Bopomofo: ㄇㄥˋ ㄇㄨˇ ㄙㄢ ㄑ一ㄢ; literal translation: "Mencius' mother, three moves").

This saying refers to the legend that Mencius' mother moved house three times before finding a location that she felt was suitable for the child's upbringing. As an expression, the idiom refers to the importance of finding the proper environment for raising children.








一 天,孟子因不用功讀書而逃學回家。孟母立刻拿起剪刀,把織布機上正在編織的布剪斷了,並且對孟子說:“求學的道理,就和我織布的道理一樣,要一絲一絲的織 上去,才能織成一塊有用的布。你讀書也是一樣,要努力用功,經過長時間的積累,才能有成就。像你這樣不用功,怎麼能夠成就大業呢?”



Yesterday I had the opportunity to have a quick chat with the new middle school science teacher. He and his wife relocated from California to the DFW area for one goal - to raise their three children in a community where emphasis is on spiritual growth instead of materialistic pursue.

He said that in California where they used to live, they were not able to find an Islamic school that incorporates Islamic education into secular subjects. Since they want their children to grow up with practicing Muslims and learn to read the Holy Qur'an from learned scholars, they decided to relocate when they found out about this Islamic school.

For parents who want to raise their children to practice their religion, I agree with him that it is important to live among like-minded people. It is essential that we find the proper environment to raise our children. We want our kids to have good role models and by living close to the mosque, they have more opportunities to see how our religion is being practiced on a daily basis.
