Life's like that!

February 04, 2011

Snow Days

Hip hip hooray! No school for four days!

School was closed since Tuesday due to icy roads and wet snow that fell on Monday night and last night. The average temperature for the last few days was between 11 and 19 degrees F. Husband had to go to work so I was a bit nervous about the road condition for him. All praise be to Allah SWT he drove at about 20-30 miles per hour speed and managed quite alright on icy patches on the road.

All praise be to Allah SWT we have sufficient food in the fridge and pantry for the last few days. Husband checked the water and food supply for the hens, quails and the rabbit twice daily. We also turned on the heat lamp for the white hens and quails to help them cope with the extreme low temperature.

I am thankful to Allah SWT that I get to stay home with DD1 and DD2 on these days. DD1 helped me to take care of DD2 (i.e. played with her) while I took care of lunch. She is bonding quite well with DD2 and always loves to hug and kiss her sister. I hope that Allah SWT willing they will grow up to be close-knitted siblings.

Weather forecast on the weekend seems to be quite promising with plenty of sunshine and no snow. Allah SWT willing we can get out of the house and get some grocery shopping done for next week.
