Life's like that!

August 10, 2011

DS is home

All praise be to Allah SWT, last night at 7pm, husband received a call from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) that DS can be discharged. Since I am required to sign him out of the hospital, all of us went to the hospital.

When we got there, husband watched the girls while I went into the NICU. After handing over my wrist tag to Nurse Mary Ann, I was instructed to scrub my hands for 3 minutes. She thought that I looked familiar, and I told her that I delivered a baby at the hospital in March, 2010. Since DD2 also stayed at the hospital for one week because of jaundice, she seen me at that time.

The last time I saw DS was on Sunday when I was discharged. Seeing him two days later made me realize how much I missed him. He looked fine and seemed to be happy when I held him. While waiting for the nurse to prepare discharge instructions, I changed DS into his baby outfit and talked to him. I can't help but marvel at the mercy that Allah SWT has bestowed upon me to have healthy pregnancies and healthy babies.

When Nurse Mary Anna asked me DS's birth date, it also happened to be her wedding anniversary! What a coincidence! After an hour later, we were ready to go home. Before I left the NICU, the nurses received a call from the Labor and Delivery department that a woman is about to give birth to a 29 weeks old baby. Two of the nurses left the NICU to attend to this emergency while another set up the preemie incubation equipment in the NICU. My heart goes out to the parents of this baby. May Allah SWT give them the strength and courage to cope with the difficult road to maturity for the baby.
