Life's like that!

September 19, 2011

Tactile-Kinesthetic Learning Style

Since young I've always know that I am a kinesthetic learner. The information below is abstracted from this web site. It contains information for my type of learners on how to best understand new information.
• The tactile-kinesthetic learner must DO things for them to have the best chance of learning.
• The tactile-kinesthetic learner remembers best the things they experience.
• Kinesthetic learning involves use of the whole body rather than just hands-on.
• Getting information from written materials or by listening is not as easy as aforementioned methods.

Learning Strengths of the TACTILE-KINESTHETIC Learner
• Remembers what they DO, what they experience with their hands or bodies (movement and touch).
• Enjoys using tools or lessons which involve active/practical participation.
• Can remember how to do things after they've done them once (motor memory).
• Have good motor coordination.

Learning Strategies for the Tactile-Kinesthetic Learner
• To memorise, pace or walk around while reciting to yourself or using flashcards or notes.
• When reading a short story or chapter in a book, try a whole-to-part approach. This means you should first scan the pictures, then read headings, then read the first and last paragraphs and try to get a feel for the book. You could also try skim-reading the chapter or short story backwards, paragraph-by-paragraph.
• If you need to fidget, try doing so in a way which will not disturb others or endager yourself or others. Try jiggling your legs or feet, try hand/finger exercises, or handle a koosh ball, tennis ball or something similar.
• You might not study best while at a desk. Try lying on your stomach or back. Try studying while sitting in a comfortable lounge chair or on cushions or a bean bag.
• Studying with music in the background might suit you (baroque music is best - as opposed to heavily rhythm-based music).
• Use coloured contruction paper to cover your desk or even decorate your area. Choose your favourite colour as this will help you focus. This technique is called colour grounding .
• Try reading through coloured transparencies to help focus your attention. Try a variety of colours to see which colours work best.
• While studying, take frequent breaks, but be sure to settle back down to work quickly. A reasonable schedule would be 15-25 minutes of study, 3-5 minutes of break time.
• When trying to memorise information, try closing your eyes and writing the information in the air or on a surface with your finger. Try to picture the words in your head as you are doing this. Try to hear the words in your head, too.

Later, when you try to remember this information, close your eyes and try to see it with your mind's eye and to hear it in your head.

• When learning new information, make task cards, flashcards, electro-boards, card games, floor games, etc. This will help you process the information.

Teaching Strategies for the Tactile-Kinesthetic Learner
• Allow tactile-kinesthetic students to take breaks during lessons and move around.
• Encourage tactile-kinesthetic students to write down their own notes.
• Encourage tactile-kinesthetic students to stand or move while reciting information or learning new material.
• Incorporate multimedia resources (computer, video camera, OHP transparencies, photography camera, etc.) into programmes (teacher presentations and student presentations).
• Provide lots of tactile-kinesthetic activities in the class.

Activity Suggestions for the Tactile-Kinesthetic Learner

Kinesthetic Activities
Body games
Rocking and reading
Make a video show
Field trips
Dress as characters
Walking and reading
Puppet shows
Musical performances
Science labs
Cut-and-paste tasks

Tactile Activities
Colouring books
Artistic creations
Task cards
Blackboard/whiteboard activities
Sandpaper/felt letters

Tactile-Kinesthetic Learner Traits
• Remembers what they DO very well.
• Remembers best through getting physically involved in whatever is being learnt.
• Enjoys acting out a situation relevant to the study topic.
• Enjoys making and creating.
• Enjoys the opportunities to build and physically handle learning materials.
• Will take notes to keep busy but will not often use them.
• Enjoys using computers.
• Physically expresses interest and enthusiasm by getting active and excited.
• Has trouble staying still or in one place for a long time.
• Enjoys hands-on activities.
• Tends to want to fiddle with small objects while listening or working.
• Tends to want to eat snacks while studying.
