Life's like that!

February 23, 2009

Connecting with the Great Outdoors

Husband and I strongly believe that we need to instill the love of nature in our daughter as early as possible.

He grew up in Cambodia spending endless hours in the forest with his siblings, cousins and friends. During the Khmer Rouge war, he survived in the jungle by eating fruits and wild vegetables, and using wild plants to treat injuries and sickness. All praise be to Allah SWT, these life-saving information were taught to him by the elderly before the war started.

I grew up in Singapore visiting the East Coast Park, Botanical Gardens, Mandai Zoo, Bukit Timah Nature Reserve and MacRitchie Reservoir Park (see National Parks Singapore with my parents and siblings. Since I have been living in an urban area all my life, I always feel a special connection with the nature and look forward to hearing birds singing at these wonderful places.

While visiting the Texas Park and Wildlife web site, I found the following information that support our decision to bring daughter to state parks regularly and let her play outside as much as possible. It is our duty to let her have opportunities to appreciate and enjoy the great outdoors, and learn how to conserve the environment for future generations to enjoy.

Studies show that kids who play outside:
1.Are healthier physically and mentally.
2.Do better in school.
3.Have higher self-esteem.
4.Have good discipline.
5.Feel more capable and confident.
6.Are good problem-solvers.
7.Are more cooperative with others.
8.Are more creative.
9.Feel connected to nature.
10.Are tomorrow’s conservation leaders.

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