Life's like that!

February 25, 2009

Indoor Plants Help to Clean the Air

Husband and I purchased some basil, tomato, hot pepper and bean seeds at Lowes last weekend. I am trying to germinate them in these pots and see if I'm successful in my first attempt, Allah SWT willing. I have been reading about growing vegetables in containers and based on our last successful attempt at growing tomato and bell pepper, all praise be to Allah SWT, I hope that we will get a good harvest during summer, Allah SWT willing.

This afternoon I brought daughter to the Calloway Nursery to look for herbs. I decided to get thyme, sage and Italian oregano and planted them in one big round terra cotta pot. Since the outdoor temperature today is around 80 degree F, I'll let the plants enjoy some fresh air today.

I also bought a plant, dracaena, at the Calloway Nursery. This type of household plant requires low to medium light, and is easy to care for. I also read that this plant actually absorbs chemical pollutants, therefore improving air quality in a confined space. Since husband and I have allergy problems, I thought of getting one or two pots of this plant for our apartment.

According to the web site,, this type of plant help to "scrub the air":

"Numerous studies conducted by the EPA over the last 25 years have shown measurable levels of over 107 known cancer causing agents in modern homes and offices. The presence of these VOC's (volitile organic compounds) are due to the switch from open windows to energy efficient living and working environments. This occurred in the 1970's due to the energy crisis that had developed.

Modern building methods and products, results in energy efficient homes and offices containing amounts of known cancer causing chemicals. In extreme cases, buildings with high levels of contaminants are known as "Sick Buildings." Exposure can result in multiple symptoms of sickness exhibited by the inhabitants who try to use them.

Scientists and doctors can't say yet but are concerned of the unknown effects to humans from long term low dosage exposure and contact to these cancer causing VOC's found in modern homes and offices today. Will increased incidences of cancer be the result of this exposure?
NASA research suggest indoor house and office plants (four of the top 10 plants were Dracaenas) may reduce substantially the amount of exposure to common VOC's you experience in your daily routine. The NASA research and the increasing amount of corroborating research indicates the benefits of live plants in modern environments to help improve indoor air quality in any building.
Look around your home or office; new desk, carpets and other items can help in making you "sick". Dracaenas and other plants may prove to be one of the answers to assist you in feeling better."

