Life's like that!

March 19, 2010

Cold Temperature on First Day of Spring

The weekend's weather forecast will be raining and temperature will dip into the low 30s on Saturday (first day of spring) and Sunday mornings.

Since today is a beautiful day with a high of 72 degree F, I decided to take a picture of the seedlings that are growing well. Tonight I will have to put a plastic bottle cover for the seedlings to provide some protection for the coming cold and wet weather.

Cucumber seedlings growing away...

Pole beans sprouting one after another.

This morning after my dear sister told me over the phone that she is visiting the garden center, I was tempted to do the same. So I brought daughter to the nearby garden center to buy two bags of mushroom compost and yellow marigold.

24 marigold plants waiting to be planted.

Allah SWT willing I will plant the marigold in the garden bed next week.
