Life's like that!

March 23, 2010

Thrillers, Fillers and Spillers

This post is not about horror movies - instead it is about a three-ingredient recipe for beautiful container gardening. The general rule of thumb for container gardening is 'something tall, something medium, something short and vining'.

According to Steve Silk on FineGardening,com,

'...I’ve come to realize there’s no mystery in making a scrumptious container planting as long as I follow a simple three-ingredient recipe. First and foremost is what I call a “thriller,” a centerpiece plant with star quality, something big, bold, and beautiful. Then I add a few spicy “fillers,” foliage or flowering plants that will complement but not overwhelm the main player. Finally, I add a savory splash of mischief, a “spiller” that just tumbles out of the pot. As long as I use each of those kinds of plants—in various proportions—and take care to balance colors and textures, I can create a pot with pizzazz.'

Allah SWT willing I will apply this principle for the flower containers on the front porch.
