Life's like that!

May 06, 2010

Life in the ER: 50 Best Blogs

I enjoy reading about people's experience and insights on their jobs. Here is a list of best Emergency Room Nurses and Doctors blogs compiled by

Life in the ER: 50 Best Blogs

As a nurse, you may be considering a career in the emergency room. You can find out what to expect from the people who have been there. Here you'll find blogs from nurses, doctors, and other emergency professionals.


Check out these blogs to learn about emergency rooms.

  1. 20 Out of 10: Learn about pain and beyond from this emergency room blog.
  2. Are You a Doctor??: Read the diatribes of am emergency medicine practitioner here.
  3. Running a Hospital: Paul Levy writes about hospitals, medicine, and health care.


These doctors offer a view into the emergency room.

  1. Scalpel or Sword: Written by an ER doctor in Texas, this blog discusses needing more than a scalpel sometimes.
  2. Life in the Fast Lane: Learn about emergency medicine and health 2.0 from this team of doctors.
  3. ER Drama: The Blog: On this blog, you'll see the intimate side of people in the ER.
  4. Your ER Doc: Your ER Doc shares emergency room stories and offers answers to your medical questions.
  5. Movin' Meat: Read about an ER doctor in the Pacific Northwest in this blog.
  6. The Central Line: The Central Line shares the ideas, opinions, and experiences of emergency physicians.
  7. WhiteCoat's Call Room: Here you'll find a blog from inside the emergency department.
  8. Straight Talk from the Stanford ER: Read about emergency medicine at Stanford on this blog.
  9. Doc Shazam: Doc Shazam writes about the bright and humorous side of situations.
  10. Bloodletting: Bloodletting is written by a small town ER doctor.
  11. Ten out of Ten: Ten out of Ten shares the experiences of an ER doctor.
  12. Tales from the Serenity Now Hospital: Read entries from an ER and Psych doctor about crazy, yet true stories on this blog.
  13. My Emergency Medicine Blog: Read this blog to find questions that arise in the daily practice of emergency medicine.
  14. ER Stories: This doctor shares shocking, hilarious, bizarre, and sad stories from the emergency room.
  15. Receiving: Read this doctor's blog for an educational look at emergency room procedures.
  16. GruntDoc: Here you'll find the ramblings of an emergency physician in Texas.


Read about the emergency room on these nursing blogs.

  1. Crass-Pollination: An ER Blog: Nurse K works in an urban ER in the US.
  2. Madness: Tales of an Emergency Room Nurse: Here you'll read about the adventures of an inner city veteran ER nurse.
  3. A Night in the Life of an ER Nurse: Follow this nurse in the adventures of the ER.
  4. Musings of a Highly Trained Monkey: This blogger works the night shift in the ER.
  5. Weird Nursing Tales: Read about the adventures of real life emergency department encounters on Weird Nursing Tales.
  6. ER RN: Read this blog to learn about the crazy world of ER nursing.
  7. Trauma Diva: Here you'll read the thoughts of a trauma drama diva.
  8. code blog: Code blog is written by an 11-year veteran Intensive Care nurse.
  9. GuitarGirlRN: GuitarGirl is an emergency room RN that plays guitar and bass.
  10. A Float Floor RN: This nurse works all over and sees a lot.
  11. Talk to an Emergency Room Nurse: On this blog, you can submit and read questions and answers from an ER nurse.
  12. The Angry Nurse!: The Angry Nurse discusses things that are kept out of polite company.
  13. Call Bells Make Me Nervous: Read this blog to learn about the trials of a brand new ER nurse.
  14. Keeping it Real Funny: an ER Blog: This ER nurse discusses breast cancer and work.
  15. Miss-Elaine-ious RN: Elaine is a new grad emergency nurse that speaks her mind.
  16. Blissful Entropy: Erica is an ER nurse and a poster child for ADD.
  17. EDNurseasauras: This nurse writes from the trenches.
  18. Emergiblog: Kim shares the life and times of an ER nurse.
  19. Impacted Nurse: Ian Miller works in the emergency department of a major teaching hospital in Canberra, Australia.
  20. David Marciniak: David Marciniak is a father, ER nurse, and Catholic missionary.


Check out these blogs to learn about the lives of EMTs.

  1. Trauma Queen: Kal is a paramedic in Edinburgh who shares stories and photos from the job.
  2. EMS Haiku: Find humor, motivational posters, and more on this EMS blog.
  3. Rogue Medic: Get a rogue look at medicine on Rogue Medic.
  4. Pink Warm and Dry: This EMT is a mom to two kids, and has a Diet Pepsi addiction.
  5. Crusty Ambulance Driver: Read about the adventures of an ambulance driver in a major US city on this blog.
  6. Random Acts of Reality: This London EMT tries to kill as few people as possible.
  7. Street Watch: Street Watch offers notes from the journal of a paramedic.
  8. Paramedic Blog: Read this blog to find news and more on emergency medical services.
  9. Meat in the Seat: Meat in the Seat shares wild stories from EMS in the South.
  10. Ambulance Nut: Ambulance Nut shares experience in learning the ropes in the ambulance service.
  11. A Day in the Life of an Ambulance Driver: Peek into the experiences of an ambulance driver on this blog.
