Life's like that!

October 14, 2010

Homeworkopoly is Fun!

Since last week, with the homeroom teacher's permission, I start to implement the game 'Homeworkopoly' for the 4th graders. This game is designed to motivate students turn in homework regularly and it seems to be quite effective.

I happened to know about this game when I last worked as the librarian at the school. Since I did not have regular classes with students, I did not have the opportunity to set up this game. When I told the 4th grade homeroom teacher about using this game to motivate students to turn in homework regularly, she allowed me to do so.

Over the weekend, I prepared the game board on a tri-fold presentation board. On Monday, I appointed one of the students to be the game host and she gets to roll the dice twice. Those who turned in all their homework got to play the game on Tuesday. After they played the game, many students kept asking me when they will get to play the game again. If the excitement level continues at this level, I might let them play the game twice a week. Allah SWT willing I hope that this will help to get those students who regularly forget to turn in homework make an effort to change their ways.
