Life's like that!

September 18, 2010

I am tired...

Yesterday I was so glad that it was the last work day of the week.

Throughout the whole week, I have been sleeping at around 9:30pm and waking up at 3:30am to feed DD2. It would be great if only I could go back to sleep. But unfortunately that was not the case. Usually I would just lie on bed and stared at the ceiling. After 10 minutes or so, I got out of bed and start preparing breakfast and lunch for husband and I. I don't know if this has caused my milk supply to go down, so I am taking fenugreek supplement capsules twice a day. Allah SWT willing I hope this will help to keep up with breastfeeding DD2 as long as possible.

Yesterday during lunch, a 4th grade boy told me he did not bring lunch from home. Since I was munching on carrots, I offered two slices of bread with butter to him. He was really happy to eat that for lunch, and I was surprised to see that he looked like he enjoyed his lunch. Another 4th grade boy kindly offered his bag of Chex Mix snack to me. I knew that he'll need that for lunch, so I thanked him for his generosity and declined his offer.

I am thankful that I was able to feed a hungry kid, and other children are able to witness how small acts of kindness can be of great help to someone in need. All praise be to Allah SWT I am thankful for the opportunity to have a positive impact on kids at school.
