Life's like that!

August 23, 2008

纪录片寻找林昭的灵魂 In Search Of The Soul Of Lin Zhao

Yesterday I watched a documentary on PBS that discussed about the current political situation in China. A commentator mentioned this particular Chinese documentary "纪录片寻找林昭的灵魂 In Search Of The Soul Of Lin Zhao " on youtube, so I googled it and found the link:

林昭,本名彭令昭,苏州人。生于1932年12月16日。1954年,考入北大新闻系 。1957年被打成右派,但是拒不认罪,继续独立思考,并且批判共产风,为彭德怀鸣冤 .1960年以阴谋推翻人民民主专政罪被捕,1962年保外就医,同年再次以反革命罪 收监,判刑20年。1968年4月29日,以"现行反革命"罪在上海龙华机场附近被枪 杀。

The producer of this documentary, Hu Jie, lost his job at the Xin Hua news agency because of this film. Read more about him here:

Note: I have heard a lot about the Cultural Revolution in China, and I'm always been interested in this history since a Junior College Chinese teacher mentioned about this to us during one of the classes. She told us that during the Cultural Revolution, the famous Chinese writer, Lu Xun 魯迅 (1881-1936) was beaten by kids until the clothes on his back became embedded into his bloody skin. More information about him can be found here:
