Tracing the roots of my heritage
Ever since my dear sister came to visit, she has been imparting her knowledge about our ancestors' culinary history. She helped me to understand that in order to restore balance to my body and health, I need to stick to the kind of food that our ancesters ate since the beginning of time. For this, I am eternally grateful because I can impart this knowledge to my daughter who is after all half Chinese.
I tried to search Amazon to see if there are any Hakka cook books for sale. Unfortunately only one is in print but it also includes other Southeast Asia recipes. Several other titles are out of print so it is almost impossible to get them.
According to the Council for Hakka Affairs Executive Yuan, Republic of China (Taiwan) (, here are some information about the culinary history.
(2. History of Hakka Cuisine)
(一)自然地理條件決定當地物產,因山區稻米產量有限,故以雜糧為主,如:蕃薯、芋頭、蕨根、山藥、大薯為主。又以紅薯 、南瓜、芋頭、大豆做成點心及「粄」或「糕」等,大豆作成豆腐等加工品。
1. Main agriculture: sweet potato, Chinese golden pumpkin, taro, soy bean, tofu etc.
2. Due to poor soil condition, most veggies are dried, salted, waxed and made into sauces to be stored for future consumption.
(三)在烹調方法上食物多用蒸、煮及用油、炸、烤及油爆多,他們認為多吃油膩,才能補充大量勞動所需熱量,也是物質缺乏時代,較粗糙食物的最佳潤滑劑,又因刀工粗獷、菜色樸實無華為其特色。3. Primary cooking methods include steaming, stir-fry, deep fried and roasting due to the need to replenish energy for labor work.
4. With regards to flavoring, Hakka cuisine focuses on freshness and original tastes.
5. Veggies include dried winter gourd, bitter gourd, napa cabbage, ginger, string beans etc.
(3. Basic Characteristics of Hakka Culinary )
(English Translation)
(4) Focus on harmony in culinary
The aim of eating and drinking is on the original taste. Focus heavily on pairing warm and cool, heat and cold food combinations. E.g. duck simmered with lotus seed is considered cool food combination while lamb meat should be consumed towards the end of winter.
強調平時儉約,而至年節則較豐盛,又平民與富人之間飲食亦有階級性。平時三餐早晚吃粥,中午吃乾飯,蕃薯、芋頭是主要雜糧,家常菜多吃刈菜乾、鹹菜乾、蘿蔔乾、時令青菜、豆腐、豆豉等。重視過年春節,臘月開始辦年貨,下旬蒸年糕、打禬 粑、磨豆腐、殺雞、宰鴨做臘味等,幾乎每個地區都熱鬧非凡。
Emphasis on regularly consume plain food e.g. veggies and brans while consume rich food e.g. meat and savory during festive celebrations. Eat rice porriage for breakfast, lunch and dinner. During lunch eat sweet potato, taro etc as main grains. Common veggies include salted veggie, dried carrot, tofu, fermented black beans etc.
I tried to search Amazon to see if there are any Hakka cook books for sale. Unfortunately only one is in print but it also includes other Southeast Asia recipes. Several other titles are out of print so it is almost impossible to get them.
According to the Council for Hakka Affairs Executive Yuan, Republic of China (Taiwan) (, here are some information about the culinary history.
(2. History of Hakka Cuisine)
(一)自然地理條件決定當地物產,因山區稻米產量有限,故以雜糧為主,如:蕃薯、芋頭、蕨根、山藥、大薯為主。又以紅薯 、南瓜、芋頭、大豆做成點心及「粄」或「糕」等,大豆作成豆腐等加工品。
1. Main agriculture: sweet potato, Chinese golden pumpkin, taro, soy bean, tofu etc.
2. Due to poor soil condition, most veggies are dried, salted, waxed and made into sauces to be stored for future consumption.
(三)在烹調方法上食物多用蒸、煮及用油、炸、烤及油爆多,他們認為多吃油膩,才能補充大量勞動所需熱量,也是物質缺乏時代,較粗糙食物的最佳潤滑劑,又因刀工粗獷、菜色樸實無華為其特色。3. Primary cooking methods include steaming, stir-fry, deep fried and roasting due to the need to replenish energy for labor work.
4. With regards to flavoring, Hakka cuisine focuses on freshness and original tastes.
5. Veggies include dried winter gourd, bitter gourd, napa cabbage, ginger, string beans etc.
(3. Basic Characteristics of Hakka Culinary )
(English Translation)
(4) Focus on harmony in culinary
The aim of eating and drinking is on the original taste. Focus heavily on pairing warm and cool, heat and cold food combinations. E.g. duck simmered with lotus seed is considered cool food combination while lamb meat should be consumed towards the end of winter.
強調平時儉約,而至年節則較豐盛,又平民與富人之間飲食亦有階級性。平時三餐早晚吃粥,中午吃乾飯,蕃薯、芋頭是主要雜糧,家常菜多吃刈菜乾、鹹菜乾、蘿蔔乾、時令青菜、豆腐、豆豉等。重視過年春節,臘月開始辦年貨,下旬蒸年糕、打禬 粑、磨豆腐、殺雞、宰鴨做臘味等,幾乎每個地區都熱鬧非凡。
Emphasis on regularly consume plain food e.g. veggies and brans while consume rich food e.g. meat and savory during festive celebrations. Eat rice porriage for breakfast, lunch and dinner. During lunch eat sweet potato, taro etc as main grains. Common veggies include salted veggie, dried carrot, tofu, fermented black beans etc.