Life's like that!

March 04, 2009

Heat and Moisture for Seeds to Germinate

Last week I read about sprouting seeds in a bag with wet towel, so I decided to give it a try.

Watch the demo on YouTube:

These bean seeds were left in the bags for about 5 days and all praise be to Allah SWT almost all of them sprouted. Basically seeds need just constant moisture and heat to germinate. It is so fascinating to watch the roots extend across the paper towel!

Since these plants probably will not survive after transplanting, I'll just put them in the dirt pile to compost.

The seedlings below are from beans that were germinated in bags placed above the refrigerator (where it's warm and cozy) about a week ago. All praise be to Allah SWT they are growing remarkably well! I put the tomato cages so that the bean vines can use it as a support as it climbs vertically. I have run out of pots and probably have to get more from the nearby gardening center.

Daughter is having a lot of fun watching these plants grow. I let her touch the seedlings in the ziplock bags and explain to her about how a seed grows into a plant. Allah SWT willing I hope that we'll get to enjoy the beans, tomatoes and basil later this summer :)
