Life's like that!

May 20, 2009

Carnival Ride

This evening husband and daughter took a carousel ride (merry-go-round) at the nearby fun carnival.

He has been so busy with his project lately that he has not been spending much time with daughter. Daughter has been throwing hissy fits at him to get his attention, and husband is feeling guilty about it. So he decided, and insisted, to hang out with daughter out this evening. I actually had planned to do some sewing with a friend, but husband (strongly) preferred that I spend time with them when he has time to do so, so I had to cancel the plan.

Husband has never taken a carnival ride before, so this was a new experience for him.

While I was getting the tickets for them, daughter was so excited about the horses on the carousel. Before they got on the platform, I told daughter that she was being so good today, so she gets to go on a ride. I also told her that she will have only one ride today, so that she will not pester us for more rides.

Husband stood beside the horse that daughter was riding on and I took pictures of them. I feel so happy watching them having a good time together.

I told husband that the memories of my father taking carnival rides with us when we were young will stay with me always. I am sure that daughter will remember this wonderful memory of her and her father at the fun carnival.
