Life's like that!

March 29, 2010

Fatal Attractions on Animal Planet

Last night husband and I watched the documentary 'Fatal Attractions' on Animal Planet. Its about people who were killed by animals that they kept as pets, such as chimpanzees, tigers, monitor lizards and poisonous snakes.

These people thought that since they raised their animals from young, they will not be in any danger as their animals grow bigger and stronger. But somehow the animals' basic instinct to hunt and kill just showed up one day and resulted in the owners' and/or innocent bystanders' horrific injuries, if not death.

I strongly believe that wild animals can never be tamed like a rabbit. It is understandable that their natural animal instinct will kick in one day, because that is how they are created. No matter how experienced an animal trainer is, he/she should not assume that the animals will submit to them completely. A number of psychiatrists who were interviewed on the documentary said that wild animal owners possess some sort of compulsive behavior disorder, so they can easily think that they have power over their animals. I hope that current wild animal owners put more priority on their own safety and the safety of their family and innocent people above their obsession with their pets.

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