Life's like that!

February 12, 2010

Cantonese Style CNY Vegetarian Dish (斋菜)

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When I was growing up, on the first day of Chinese New Year celebration my parents would bring us to my father's mother, Ah Mah's place. We always eat her specially prepared vegetarian dish as one of the day's main course dish.

The main ingredients include cabbage. black fungus ears, rice vermicelli, Chinese mushroom, black moss and dried bean curd skin. These ingredients are stewed over low heat in nan-ru (南乳).

I kind of miss eating this dish because it really is delicious. Maybe when my dear sister visits us we can cook this dish together.

Here is another recipe for a vegetarian dish which includes ingredients like black fungus ear, black moss, carrot, red dates, Chinese mushroom, dried bean curd skin, mung bean vermicelli and 3-4 cubes of nan-ru.

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