Favorite Japanese Animated Movie - My Neighbor Totoro (となりのトトロ, Tonari no Totoro)
My all time favorite Japanese animated movie is 'My Neighbor Totoro' (となりのトトロ, Tonari no Totoro) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Neighbor_Totoro. It's a really well-made movie and mesmerizing story that tells about the innocence of children, and respect for nature.
Yesterday I tried to watch the 'Totoro' VCD that my dear sister gave me when she came to visit in May 2008. Half way through disc 1 on the laptop, the movie stopped with an error message that the file is corrupted.
All praise be to Allah SWT I found the following clips on YouTube. Now if only I can get my dear sister to get the original Japanese movie in DVD from Singapore for me... [hint ;>]
Here is a clip from the movie that shows how Totoro helps the two young girls to make their seeds sprout http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7rxKLn40j4
Totoro sountrack with English lyrics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xIrQGxFbzI
Let's go for a walk! Let's go for a walk! I feel so great!
I love to walk!
Let's get going now!
On slopes, streets, tunnels, marvelous grass...
On Japanese bridges, gravel roads...
On cloudy days, downsloping streets...
Let's go for a walk! Let's go for a walk! I feel so great!
I love to walk!
Let's get going now!
Even the foxes... even the badgers... come on out!
Let's race to the forest
I have so many friends! I'm so happy!
Totoro - movie soundtrack original singer's performance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nf5Pyj0kLPc