Life's like that!

January 11, 2009

“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful”. - William Morris

Yesterday morning while husband took daughter for a walk at a park, I went to the nearby Barnes and Noble bookstore (Yes! Alone at last!) and end up staying there for about 2 hours. I found a book 'Apartment Theraphy' about designing, living, sleeping, cooking, working and storage spaces by regular people in small apartments.

This quotation by William Morris was featured in the book: “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful”. I was so enlightened when I read this. For four months I have been struggling to organize my hobby supplies in the kitchen but could not find any inspiration to do so. All praise be to Allah SWT and thanks to this book, I realized that I need to do three things:

1. Designate appropriate and sufficient storage space for specific things
2. Discard or donate away unused things
3. Reuse a piece of furniture creatively

After I came home, I moved the baker's rack from the living room to the kitchen. It was used to hold daughter's puzzles and toys and newspapers that I intend to recycle. Now I used it to organize my scrapbooking, cardmaking and stationery supplies.

I moved daughter's stuff into a built-in shelve in the dining area. What did I do with the DVDs and CDs that previously occupy that spot? I moved them to the TV stand's storage shelves which were not using utilized.

After spending 1.5 hours to get this task done, I felt so much more confident and happy about myself.

Apartment Theraphy
